Many of us were left with tears and grudges when King Harrow was allegedly put into misery by the Moodshadow elves. But theories and speculations somehow lead us to expect that the King of Katolis is spiritually or very much alive throughout the series.
We all know that Viren suggested to King Harrow to use the
two-headed soulfang as an escape route against the assassination plot. However,
King Harrow declined this suggestion and forced Viren to follow his command as
his king. Viren tried to convince him again but somehow led to an argument and
the tragic misery happened. But there are some things we need to fully
understand in this event which enabled me to somehow believe the theories that
King Harrow still lives. Let us try to understand why such a theory might be
1. No one saw how King Harrow died. We all know that before the Moonshadow elves entered the castle there is only No one saw how King Harrow died. We all know that before the Moonshadow elves entered the castle there is only one scene with the King and the suspect of his disappearance which is Viren. The last scene was inside the King’s room where Viren is still convincing him to use the soulfangone scene with the King and the suspect of his disappearance which is Viren. The last scene was inside the King’s room where Viren is still convincing him to use the soulfang.
2. No one saw the King’s remains. After his “death”, Viren ordered to incinerate the King’s body without the proper kingly ceremonial which is to mourn for seven sunsets but rather they performed the funeral after they announced his death.
3. There is no weapon of a murder presented. I expected a scene that the King is murdered by the Mooshadow elves or Viren himself but since this is a child-friendly series, and I understand, it somehow left me hanging how did he die. Was he strangled? Was he stabbed? Or what? There is no weapon of murder!
4. The bindings were removed. So much for the first and second assumptions, we all know that his physical remains were no longer present because of the elven oaths of the assassins but who knows maybe he still lives spiritually.
5. Pips foreshadowing. We all know just like the Avatar: the Last Airbender, animal companions play an important part in this series, look at Appa and Mommo and of course Bait the lovely toad. Pip is the royal pet of King Harrow and we all know that this songbird is always flying around the King in the series. After the King’s demise, there is a lot of scenes when the characters are talking about King Harrow and Pip always shows, maybe this is a foreshadowing that Viren forcefully used the soulfang to exchange the Kings soul to his royal pet and he might be alive!
Hail King Harrow